Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Carousel ride

Carousel ride
Originally uploaded by mawkinberd
We went out of our comfort zones last night and visited the mall. This was mostly because Daniel's little sister Becca invited us for free haircuts (she works at the mall). So we toodled over with Joe and had fun. Joe got to ride the little kid trucks in front of Mastercuts, but Becca really wanted him to ride the carousel. He had so much fun with that, I had to make a layout with his ride. I recently read an article on steps to help make more realistic drop shadows (I wish I could remember where for linkage! Sorry!), and it really inspired me to try a few new things. This is the first time I've really felt like the shadows were dynamic, and it was definitely the first time I had fun with the shadow making. I've got a long way to go with experimenting and getting better, but I felt like this was way closer to what I'd like to see.

On the home front, things continue to be difficult, but we're getting by. Daniel is doing well with his second job. It makes good money, but it's seasonal and variable. Luckily, it's been kinder to us lately. As long as it can last a bit longer, we should make it to when things pick up at his "main" job. We're keeping our fingers crossed.

Blessings to all of you wonderful people. Ciao for now!

1 comment:

Designs By Kelin said...

Great layout lady! I'm thinking of you and the family daily and keeping my fingers crossed!